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- 【KS-8759】爆乳ワールド Vol.2</a>2006-11-01アリスJAPAN&$EROTI
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- 发布日期:2024-10-10 00:39 点击次数:56 瑶瑶系列
1. 澳大利亚
Cloudstreet by Tim Winton
An epic novel that regularly tops the list of best-loved novels in Australia. After two separate catastrophes, two very different families leave the country for the bright lights of Perth. The Lambs are industrious, united, and―until God seems to turn His back on their boy Fish―religious. The Pickleses are gamblers, boozers, fractious, and unlikely landlords. Change, hardship, and the war force them to swallow their dignity and share a great, breathing, shuddering house called Cloudstreet. 《云街》是一部史诗演义,往往位列澳大利亚最受迎接的演义名次榜榜首。在资历了两次苦难后,两个截然有异的家庭搬到了阳光明媚的珀斯(澳大利亚第四城市)。兰姆一家积极职责、配合一致,而在神明带走他们的孩子菲什之前,这一家东说念主是虔敬的宗教徒。皮寇勒赛斯一家则赌徒酒鬼混合,他们极易发怒,不像田主。变化、繁难与斗争甚至这两家东说念主无奈抛下尊荣,分享一栋哆哆嗦嗦而有盼愿的大屋子——云街。
2. 日本
Manazuru by Hiromi Kawakami
Twelve years have passed since Kei’s husband, Rei, disappeared and she was left alone with her three-year-old daughter. Her new relationship with a married man—the antithesis of Rei—has brought her life to a numbing stasis, and her relationships with her mother and daughter have spilled into routine, day after day. 慧的丈夫黎隐藏了整整十二年,留住慧一东说念主抚育三岁的小男儿。她与一位有妇之夫(与丈夫黎的特性相背)发展出新关联,这让慧的生存堕入凝滞景象。而慧同母亲、男儿的关联也年复一年、一成不变。
Through a poetic style embracing the surreal and grotesque, a quiet tenderness emerges from these dark moments. Manazuru is a meditation on memory—a profound, precisely delineated exploration of the relationships between lovers and family members. 《真鹤》以诗意的翰墨描绘了一个超施行的奇异寰球。静谧的善良从那些昏黑的时光中滋长而出。《真鹤》是对牵挂的千里念念,字里行间准确而长远地叙述了爱东说念主与家庭成员间的关联。
3. 俄罗斯
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Alexander Solzhenitsyn
The simply told story of a typical, grueling day of the titular character's life in a labor camp in Siberia, is a modern classic of Russian literature and quickly cemented Solzhenitsyn's international reputation. 这本演义简要隘回报了主东说念主公伊凡·杰尼索维奇在西伯利亚作事营中一贯艰巨的日子。它是俄罗好意思丽体中的当代经典文章,并很快地建造了索尔仁尼琴在外洋文学界上的声誉。
4. 土耳其
The Forty Rules of Love by Elif Shafak
The most widely read female writer in Turkey... Shafak effortlessly blends East and West, past and present, to create a dramatic, compelling, and exuberant tale about how love works in the world. 沙法克是土耳其最负驰名的女作者,她的作品广为东说念主知。在她的笔下,东西方文化、昔时与当今,轻易和会,一段太空有天而又逸态横生的故事就此设置,向读者回报了爱如安在这个寰球推崇作用。
Shafak unfolds two parallel narratives-one set in the thirteenth century, when Rumi encountered his spiritual mentor, the wandering dervish known as Shams of Tabriz, and one contemporary, as an unhappy American housewife, inspired by Rumi's message of love, finds the courage to transform her life. 沙法克在这本演义里伸开了两条平行的叙述线,一位是13世纪时,鲁米碰见的精神导师——大不里士的流浪乞食僧沙姆斯;另一位则是当代一个邑邑寡欢的好意思国度庭主妇。她受到鲁米爱的信息的启发,饱读起勇气窜改我方的生存。
5. 墨西哥
Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel
Earthy, magical, and utterly charming, this tale of family life in turn-of-the-century Mexico became a best-selling phenomenon with its winning blend of poignant romance and bittersweet wit. 这本演义叙述坦率、有魅力,十分太空有天。它叙述了墨西哥的一个家庭活着纪之交发生的故事,以辛酸的爱情故事与苦中带甜的贤明翰墨考虑,获取了畅销演义的地位。
6. 冰岛
Stone Tree by Gyrõir Elíasson
Gyrõir Elíasson的《石树》
Along the lonely western shores of Iceland, among its vast mountain ranges and its barren lava fields, this sublime collection of short stories blends the desires and efforts of its numerous protagonists, nearly all intent on taking leave of their normal lives in order to pursue their dreams more seriously.《石树》是一册精彩的短篇故事集,以冰岛那些孤零零的西部海岸、贪残无厌的山峰和寸草不生的熔岩地为配景,它叙述了诸多主东说念主公的空想与奋力。主东说念主公们为了更提神地对待追梦,便要抛却老例生存。这篇故事集真实将他们的各种意图毫无保留地呈现给读者。
7. 芬兰
The Year of the Hare by Arto Paasilinna
Which of us has not had that wonderfully seditious idea: to play hooky for a while from life as we know it?' With these words from his foreword, Pico Iyer puts his finger on the exhilaratingly anarchic appeal of The Year of the Hare. Suddenly realizing what's important in life (with the help of a bunny), a man quits his job and heads to the countryside in this internationally bestselling comic novel. 皮柯·耶尔在给《碰见野兔的那一年》作序时提到了这本书以其令东说念主兴盛的无政府念念想勾引东说念主,他写说念:“正如咱们所知的那样,在东说念主生中脱些轨——咱们有谁不曾有过如斯的反动念念想呢?”这本畅销外洋的笑剧演义回报了男主东说念主公经一只小兔子提点,瞬息意志到什么对他的人命很蹙迫,于是便下野赶赴郊区。
8. 瑞典
Why the Child is Cooking in the Polenta by Aglaja Veteranyi
Aglaja Veteranyi所著的《为什么孩子在玉米糊里烹煮》
Aglaja Veteranyi was born in Bucharest to a family of circus artists who toured Europe relentlessly until they finally settled in Switzerland. An actress, performer, and artist as well as a writer, she only published one novel during her lifetime. She committed suicide in 2002. Aglaja Veteranyi出身在布加勒斯特的一个杂耍演员家庭,他们在欧洲马束缚蹄地巡演后,最终假寓瑞士。Veteranyi是演员、饰演家、艺术家,同期已经位作者。但她毕生只发表过一册演义,她在2002年自尽了。
In the novel, a nomadic family of circus performers, refugees from Romania, travels through Europe and Africa by caravan. The mother's death-defying act causes constant anxiety for her two daughters, who voice their fears through a grisly communal fairy tale about a child being cooked alive in polenta--but their real life is no less of a dark fable, and one that seems just as unlikely to have a happy ending.在这本演义中,一个由杂耍演员构成的游牧家庭从罗马尼亚避祸出来,开着大篷车在欧洲和非洲巡演。母亲与物化降服的活动经常让她的两个男儿忧虑。她们靠讲一个骇东说念主视听、社区住户广为相传的传奇故事来排解懦弱——一个小孩在玉米糊中被生生煮了。不外这两个孩子的施行生存也无异于一个昏黑的寓言故事,她们似乎不成能领有一个完全结局……
(起首:沪江英语 裁剪:Julie)瑶瑶系列